New waste facility at Alderley Park
Alderley Park is seeking approval for a new combined Waste and Logistics Facility at Alderley Park, along with the creation of some new parking spaces.
The new facility will be located within the northern edge of an existing car park on the eastern side of the Mereside complex. This facility will replace the existing waste and logistics buildings that are due to be demolished within the Heatherley Woods area in order to provide developable space in line with the site wide masterplan.
The new Waste Logistics Facility will be 8.75m tall providing a mixture of single level spaces with a plant floor above and double height logistics areas.
It is designed to accommodate the same amount of waste and delivery vehicles as the current facilities so there will be no increase in vehicle movements to and from the Mereside Campus due to this development.
The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 16/2147M. The last date for submitting comments is 23rd June and a decision is expected by 16th August.