During the Covid-19 crisis, the Alderley Park Accelerator team are still here to support you. By now, you should have been individually contacted by one of the team, however please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, either for direct support, or with suggestions of how we can help.

By collaborating and sharing ideas as a community, we can support and help each other to thrive.

Pre-Accelerator & Accelerator Programme: new dates coming soon.



Virtual Office Hours

We’re hosting virtual office hours so you can check in with the team. This includes access to the Expert Mentor Network.

Email to request a meeting with any one of the team, or the Expert Mentor Network Coordinator.


Local, Regional & National Support

The customer Covid-19 support page can be found here. This is updated regularly - do let us know if we can add anything else.

See also the Scaleup Institute’s "Scaleup Hub:"


Senior Leadership Collaboration

We’ve listened to your feedback and we have now established two new forums:

- A new SLT Slack Channel

- An organised weekly call

Register your interest to join via and the team will send the link.


Grants and Funding

Our team has vast experience across Innovate UK and NIHR grant-funding, including applying, assessing, monitoring and executing grants.

- Send us your grant proposals for direct feedback

- Join the Slack channel for the latest calls.

- Virtual workshops - coming soon.


We want to hear from you

We’re working in unprecedented times and we want to hear from you.

Please send your suggestions on content, webinars and digital resources to:


Community & Communication

We’ve created created an online Slack Channel to facilitate collaborating and connecting. It is a new tool for us too, but the benefits outweigh getting used to another new platform. Here you’ll be able to join small private discussion groups for example Access to Finance or AP Collaboration. Sign up here.


Virtual Events

- Growth & Scaling Workshops

- Scientific Seminars

- Events of interest

Click here for the full list. Don’t forget to follow our social channels for live updates on events and news.


VC Investment

Our team has been involved in helping to raise over £550M in private funding, with deep insight into the process and preparation requirements.

Send us your pitch decks for comments, edits, and virtual pitch practice. Where appropriate we can also make warm introductions.

Stay social:

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @alderleypark.