Meet 8 providers of BR qualifying investments in one morning
Hear eight leading investment providers talk about their investment solutions
Network with their investment specialists without having to commit to any further meetings
Compare key investment information, including charges and levels of risk and return
Leave confident that you have reviewed a representative sample of the solutions in the market
A genuine chance to compare managers:
The content of our BR showcase is based upon our findings from surveying advisers for the annual BR Industry Report. Each presenter is asked to cover the same five issues that we know are key concerns for advisers:
Details of investment provider: ownership, length of time in BR market, relevant AUM, performance track record and financial strength
Investment objective of the product: growth, capital preservation, income, or a combination of all three, and the targeted level of annual returns
Details of the proposed underlying investments: What they are, how they will generate returns and how is liquidity achieved?
Details of all the charges borne by both the investor and the investees during the product's lifetime, including any performance fees and admin and/or deal fees
The number of 'successful deaths' the product has had: how many estates have successfully claimed for relief from HM Revenue and Customs
In this way, anybody who attends will be able to review the products from the eight investment providers on a like-for-like basis and then engage directly with the provider's adviser facing teams, saving the time and effort you would normally have to put into researching and sourcing these kinds of investments.
Why should you attend:
This Showcase is designed to give you the opportunity to review a representative sample of smaller company investment solutions in one half-day event, without having to undertake your own expensive and time consuming research, or committing to any further meetings with BDMs.
Get answers to questions like these:
'What is the underlying investment strategy?'
'What risks do I need to consider when investing in smaller companies?'
'How much experience do the investment providers have in this sector?'
'Are these investments contentious when it comes to qualifying for IHT relief?'
'What are the total costs to my client over the entire lifetime of the investment?'
Timings for the day:
After a free breakfast, you'll watch eight BR investment providers speak for fifteen minutes each. If you like what you hear, you can follow up with the fund representative in the breaks, but there's no obligation to speak to any of them if you don't want to.
08.30 - Registration & breakfast
09.00 - Opening remarks
09.05 - BR investment providers elevator pitches
09.40 - BR investment providers presentations (Part 1)
10.40 - Coffee break & networking
11.05 - Introduction to part 2 of the event
11.10 - BR investment provider presentations (Part 2)
12.10 - Q&A Panel with all 8 providers
12.25 - Closing comments
12.30 - Lunch & Networking
13.30 - Event End