The difference between funded start-ups and scale-ups often comes down to the decision of VCs, angels and specialist financiers. Yet one of the less well known, and often the most valuable financing options for Research and Development businesses is grant funding.
Join Manchester Science Partnerships in conjunction with the University of Manchester and GrantTree in exploring the realities of accessing this equity-free funding. A series of workshops and office hours, will provide attendees with a realistic account of government funding for Manufacturing and Materials businesses, all designed to coincide with the major grant calls in the UK.
With the latest Manufacturing and Materials call set to be released in November, participants will leave with actionable advice on their eligibility for an application and the following key areas:
- What InnovateUK and the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships really look for in your technical development
- What a partnership and/or consortium means; accessing larger pools of funding through collaboration.
- What specialist expertise can be accessed through the University of Manchester and MSP.
- What are match funding requirements
- How to cash flow a grant funded project.
- How to position your project to create an effective pitch.
Who should attend
Organisations developing innovative solutions in the following areas should consider making an application:
Manufacturing systems and processes.
Materials development, integration and reuse.
12:30pm - 12:40pm:
The Manufacturing and Materials funding programme: The technical details and specific competition R&D themes. Will Cooper, GrantTree, Grants Specialist.
12:40 - 1:00pm:
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and The University of Manchester. Accessing funding and expertise in Manufacturing and Materials. Saq Rasbul, University of Manchester, SME & KE Manager.
1:00 - 1:20 pm:
Innovate UK funding for Manufacturing & Material Innovation businesses. What you need to know to succeed.
1:30 - 5:00pm:
Office Hours: one on one specialist advice
GrantTree will be conducting office hours with each of the attendees. Unpicking your project on a one-to-one basis, providing an overview of the eligibility of an application.
If you are interested in also booking onto one of the 1:1 sessions, please email to arrange a suitable time slot.